The Religious Education Ministries of the American Conservatory of Music

celebrates the 7th year of its K-12 Parochial School in Indiana named the

University School of the American Conservatory of Music Parochial School

New resource added: The American Conservatory K-8 store

Please note: The University School of the American Conservatory of Music Parochial School is legally constituted in the State of Indiana and for the K-12 grades is not programmatically accredited by the Indiana Public School Department of Education. The Music Conservatory postsecondary operations are internationally accredited.

The University School is a separate division of the Conservatory. Note to parents in the University School:

Your children are responsible for meeting the testing requirements set forth by the Indiana Department of Education Academic Standards web site. Your children will be considered as receiving home-schooling through teaching provided by this school. See Home-School Help Page published by Indiana Department of Education.

For further information about enrolling your children in the school, please contact (219) 931-6000, or you may consult our contact information. All grade levels are taught by excellent tutors in your home or in our classrooms under parental supervision within a Christian educational framework of wholesome family values under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Your children will receive the very best in religious education. For further information, please contact the registrar.