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A professional conservatory for those who seek

professional success in music.

Not merely a school.

How does the Conservatory promote your career?

The Conservatory provides material assistance to you in launching your career.  Some people who study here only want to learn music, and do not desire our assistance in promotional or personal matters.  We respect that.  However, the following resources are available to those who desire from us that extra push.

Independent Promotion

First, you receive comprehensive training and guidance in basic career development.  This includes personality projection, photographic work, direct mail promotion, internet presence, copy writing, third party endorsements, and other promotional techniques.  All degree candidates who wish to do so may receive the full benefits of this training and development.  Musical talent and skill are of little value in the absence of proper promotion.  We will provide you with the technical and creative skills necessary for successful promotion in the media.

The Media

Many musical artists gain significant fulfillment from performance before a live audience.  However, the greatest financial and promotional success lies in the electronic media.  CD recordings and videos hold the key to real recognition and success.  Television and radio broadcasting are important elements also.  The film industry employs musical talent of all types.

The Conservatory's principals have a long history of achievement in the recording and broadcasting industry.  Their recordings have been extensively reviewed in major international periodicals.  This places the Conservatory in a unique position to assist you in entering this exciting field.

Armed with the promotional knowledge you will receive here, you will be assisted in making the right contacts to launch your career.  Your recordings and videos may be reviewed in the international critical press.  Feature articles about you might appear in important periodicals.  You should remember that nobody other than yourself is qualified to judge whether you are a promotable property.  At the Conservatory you can count on 100% support for your efforts at career advancement.

Your musical training will include specific performance techniques and stylistic skills with which to charm your audience.  The principal teachers at the Conservatory are members of an unbroken tradition which reaches back to the Paris Conservatory and other European conservatories as they existed in the nineteenth century.  Specific training for technical dexterity is also a part of the curriculum, an area of teaching in which the Conservatory has excelled since its founding in 1886.

The American Conservatory of Music is rated by the accrediting agency Registre International des Conservatoires de Musique in Geneva, Switzerland as among the approximately sixty most highly qualified professional conservatories of the world.

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